Can PIEEG 4 channel be used for scientific studies?

Last Updated on October 28, 2023 by

One of the view scientists who shows us that EEG devices like the Muse headband can be used for LabStreamingLayer and EEGLAB, tools which are widely used by scientists is Arnaud Delorme. But will there be a LabStreamingLayer and EEGLAB example from EEGLAB developer Arnaud Delorme for PIEEG with 4 channel?

Shortly after Delorme wrote a LabStreamingLayer example which was based on the Muse SDK for the Muse 1 headband, Interaxon pulled the Muse SDK from the market. Peter Gamma opened an issue about this topic on the LabStreamingLayer GITHUB:

Arnaud Delorme as well as other supporters from the Swartz Center of Computational Neuroscience suggested to choose other EEG devices than the Muse as a consequence. A view years ago Interaxon wrote that the Muse is the EEG device with highest sales rate worldwide. But can the Muse keep this top position without the Muse SDK?

The Raspberry Pi is the most popular single board computer by far, and it was developed by developers on the PhD level such as Eben Upton with now has a PhD in computer science.. And the Pi EEG is developed by Ildar Rakhmatulin, PhD:

Pi EEG is better than the Muse without SDK for scientists, which scientists use an EEG device without an SDK? Therefore we suppose that scientists will be one of the first to choose Pi EEG instead of the Muse as entry device and will help to make Pi EEG popular.