Krisztián Hofstädter’s OpenBCI setup with the Greentek Gelfree-S3 – the perfect setup for meditators?

Last Updated on September 28, 2024 by

At first sight Krisztián Hofstädter’s OpenBCI setup with the Greentek Gelfree-S3 looks as if it would be a perfect setup for meditators:

Krisztián Hofstädter’s has written a PhD. thesis with the title:

‘Developing a Brain-Computer Music Interface for Meditation“

And his setup is interesting for people who are interested in meditation. But after Peter Gamma from the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) studied this and similar EEG heatsets for several years, he came to the conclusion that we have to be very careful with this setup, especially with the Greentek Gelfree S3 cap. It raises expectations the device does not full-fill. The cap looks great, but what else is on it? The cap is only little developed. The cap is now available on Aliexpress for $2,272 USD:

Greentek Gelfree S3 Electrode Hat Ag-AgCl Semi-Dry Saline Based EEG Headset for ERP, BCI and Neurofeedback

This cap is risky for developers because of stock market speculation in scalping. Who want to build a development onto a cpa which has no stable price on the market?

Krisztián Hofstädter recently changed his look completely on

And started new projects which do not have something to do with OpenBCI and the Greentek Gelfree-S3.

Isn’t it a pitty that his cap and his setup are not developed further? And is the change of Krisztián Hofstädter not irritating? What happened to the nice guy from forum? Does his OpenBCI setup not stay on a uperficial level?

Peter Gamma’s conlusion

For us personally, Krisztián Hofstädter’s OpenBCI setup with the Greentek Gelfree-S3 setup is little developed and expensive, and is not a Swiss quality product at the level of Peter Gamma from