Krisztián Hofstädters EEG setup with Binaural Beats for Practitioners of Mind Training?

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by

No, or at least not for all

Whe once talked to a woman who lived for a while in a Buddhist monastery. She said, they where not allowed to listen to music there. We heared from other Buddhist tradition that they are allowed to listen to music.

The woman we talked to left the monastery and became a practictioner of Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga practitioners are singing Mantras and are allowed to listen to music. Therefore, Krisztiáns EEG setup with binaural beats is suitable for Kundalini Yoga practitioners:

Snatam Kaur Live at the Sat Nam Music Festival in Mexico

Snatam Kaur Khalsa

attended Mills College in Oakland, California, receiving a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, and was a student of Yogi Bhajan. Snatam Kaur is a world-renowned, Grammy-nominated devotional singer, musician, teacher, and author, known for the stirring luminous quality of her voice and insightful teachings: