Last Updated on January 18, 2025 by
32% of the Swiss population belongs to the Roman Catholic Church; 21% of the inhabitants are members of the Evangelical Reformed Church. (16.07.2024), what means a majority with 53% of the Swiss are Christians.
2 000 years ago, the Jews criticized Jesus for what he said:
John 8 | Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World; The Truth Shall Make You Free | The Bible
And they crucified him for what he said. And now in Switzerland where the Christians are in the majority, the Swiss are joking about the Jews on is a service of the Catholic Media Center on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church in Switzerland.
The discussions which have been let 2000 years ago are completely different than the one which we lead today. And Peter Gamma from

repeats what he has said previously.

Does this picture not make you think? Does the simple, plain clothing according to religious regulations of the Jews not have something which is interesting? Something which makes the Jews in Zurich superior to the young people on the streets of Zurich who wear Donald Duck masquerade? Young people for which anything goes and anything is allowed?
And does or did a majority of the Swiss, at least in the landscape around 50 years where Peter grew up not live according to Christian values, and their clothes did not differ much from that of the Jews when the Christians there went to Church?
But how is this today? Peter Gamma recently was at a funeral in a Roman Catholic church in Switzerland, since a close relative of him had died. He wore a black dress, and a white shirt, and black ties. On pictures of his parents we can see that everybody was additionally wearing black hats when they went to Church around 75 – 100 years ago in Switzerland.
But when Peter recently was at a funeral in a Roman Catholic church and wore a black suit, and he was looking all around him, he could see that the only one next to him was dressed as he was the preacher who prayed in the Church.
How times have changed since 2 000 years. But is it not striking how the discussions between the Jews and Jesus Christ was 2 000 years ago? The Jews who have checked every word in the scriptures to see if Jesus was right or wrong.
And what does Christof Koch today? Does he not check every word in the Bible, and compares it to his scientific papers, to see if Jesus is right or wrong? Or at least he started with that process and gave it up. But what did Jesus say about this topic himself?
Jesus who also taught something new, said about it:
Matthew 5:18
“I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished.“
And is there not a lot of power in these words?
And Jesus indeed did not come to destroy the teachings of the Jews, but to full-fill. But what does Christoph Koch with the Christian Teachings? To doubt about those, since he himself cannot reproduce what Jesus experienced?:
Not only me has said the truth, also others have the truth in them, Jesus once said. And if we found this truth by ourselves, why are we then still looking for it somewhere else? And why are we saying “your record is not true”, as the Jews 2000 years ago said to Jesus, and then finally crucified him for what he said?
And as a final question: did these things and discussions not also have something to do with the high gamma wave activity Jesus had in his brain, which others who doubted about him did not have?