Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by
Jesus was warning against changing the smallest letter of the law (the holy scriptures):
But whas Jesus really walking over water, and turning water into wine? Osho has put this into question:
But where these miracles described by Jesus himself, or by his followers? Also Milarepa did miracles. He lived in solitary retreat and eat needles there. Is it possible to survive only from needles? Or could only Milarepa do such miracoulos things? And turning water into wine, is this description not also used in poetry? Someone is able to turn water into wine. Someone is able to do things other can’t do. And even if someone doubt about these things, do we not have to see it in the context of their time, where they did know nothing about natural science. But where Jesus in spite of some doubts not extraordinary people with a extraordinary high ability to perceive, with extraordinary gamma waves in their brains, great poets, which where able to do things which appeared miracoulos to other people?
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