Issues with the Orange Pi5 to use it as a single board computer in Switzerland

Last Updated on April 6, 2023 by

  • the device is only available from one Swiss seller and is expensive
  • No well known sellers as for instance Digitec offers the device at a price which is competitive
  • well known Raspberri Pi reviewer leepspvideo, the reviewer with a name we can’t remember and always have to check says ARMbian is currently the best Linux experience for the Orange Pi5
  • There is a Ubuntu 20.xx image available which is new and has issues.
  • If you have a Ubuntu desktop machine and a Orange PI5 mobile device with Ubuntu, it shoud be possible to share folders over the network, but nobody has confirmed that it works
  • We still miss a Orange PI zero with the same specifications as the Orange Pi5 which can compete with the Raspberry Pi zero w 2.