Last Updated on February 22, 2024 by
- There is at least one person out there who switches OpenBCI modules on and off on eBay Switzerland, move them to or Aliexpress and also back.
- This person reacts on us and seem to be present
- This person has also possibilities to offer things does not offer, and this are WIFI shields
- This person can also repair things.
- Recently he repaired the WIFI shield and it was offered as a product on eBay Switzerland. – Unfortunately this product is not there anymore.
- This person makes also other offers such as «high quality product» «fast shipping» «life-time warranty» or «hot sale»
So what can we conclude from all of this?
If we are a person who want to buy an OpenBCI from China product, there is at least one person out there who want to sell an OpenBCI made in China product. And if we look at what happened during our observation, everything we where looking for was offered for a period of time on eBay or Aliexpress. So there seems to be a person out there who want to sell us an OpenBCI made in China product. And if we want to buy such a product we should be able to buy it from him.