Is there a single EEG product which is not a paid demo by Texas Instruments and controlled by Texas Instruments?

Last Updated on April 6, 2023 by

Is there among the EEG devices we reviewed a single device which is not a demo paid by Texas Instruments, with a contract worked out by a lawyer and a business scientist to make out as much money as possible out of this demos, and to control all the demos in a database, with the goal to make it impossible to do scientific studies with those and force us to buy an expensive device for writing papers?

We know of now discussion about topic. Are there any answers from manufacturers and reviewers about this. We review those devices since several years, and we are sharing what we suppose about these devices. Are the attractive for someone? For business scientists, lawyers an paid supporters?

If you are a manufacturer, as well as a person interested in EEG devices please share you opinion about this topic in the comments below: