Is there a global secret sceening study about the effect of meditation on the body & the brain – and if so what is the goal of this project?

Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by

Does for instance Robert Oostenveld, Associate PI at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour participate in it?

Robert Oosenveld has developed the Fieldtrip toolbox:

He has published many papers:

He has many followers on his GITHUB site:

And Robert Oostenveld is also developer of the Nike EEG headband:

But Peter Gamma from did not find any evidence for a scientific study about the effect of meditation on the body and the brain by Robert Oostenveld, as he did not find any evidence about it from Scott Harden.

Arnaud Delorme did some research on meditation, but he currently only offers monday meditations on YouTube:

And what is the goal of this global secret sceening study about the effect of meditation on the body and the brain, if there is one? Writing papers and selling products?