Is the research which is performed at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Maryland near Washinton DC, USA where Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych works at the highest level & in general is the research if the US army at the highest level?

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by

  • Peter Gamma from has articulated the hypothesis, that Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych who works since 2013 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Maryland near Washinton DC, USA is tested there with brain scanners.
  • Especially concerning which effect his lifestyle has on the structure and function if his brain.

But if we look at Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych

Cody Rall 10 years ago:

Cody Rall 1 years ago:

  • Peter Gamma from is asking.
  • Has the lifestyle Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych had during the last 10 years a positive or a negative effect on his body and mind?
  • What is your opinion about this topic. Write it in the comments below?
  • Was Cody Ralls brain tested the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Maryland near Washinton DC, USA during the last 10 years?
  • And was it Cody Ralls own decision which lifestyle to choose, since the U.S. is a free country?

And a further question:

Are studies performed at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Maryland near Washinton DC, USA at a high level?

In the study:

«Comparative Analysis of the Equivital EQ02 Lifemonitor with Holter Ambulatory ECG Device for Continuous Measurement of ECG, Heart Rate, and Heart Rate Variability: A Validation Study for Precision and Accuracy»

The Equivital EQ02+ Life Monitor was compared to a 3 channel ECG device. And the accuracy was very low, as it can be seen in this table:

19Equivital EQ02 Lifemonitornot discussed in this table43.5899.98Holter monitor ECG[90.8.2] (*1)

And in the reviwew of Peter Gamma from

Peter Gamma from knows of a study of the U.S. army for comparison. In the study:


Validation of the Equivital (TM) EQO2 LifeMonitor for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring During Intermittent Military Relevant Tests of Physiological Limits

The result of the U.S. Army technical report had a better result for the EQO2 LifeMonitor as in paper 2:

Life Monitor
not discussed in this tablewe estimate
> 95
Polar H10[90.9.4]

But the issue of the U.S. army technical report was:

  1. They did choose a Polar H10 chest strap as a reference and not a 3 channel gold standard ECG as a reference.
  2. The U.S. Army did not choose the Adinstruments LabChart software which should have made the equivital free from E.C.G motion artifacts, according to this advertisiement:
  • And the critism of Peter Gamma from is that the U.S. Army has spent a view thousand dollars to test a EQO2 LifeMonitor, but they did not choose the Adinstruments LabChart sofware which is around 8 000 USD which should have been chosen for as study at the higest level.
  • So the conclusion of Peter Gamma from is that the U.S. army has money to spend a view thousand dollars for a EQO2 LifeMonitor, but they lack of the knowledge for a study at the highest scientific level.
  • If it was a study at the highest scientific level, they would have pusblished the results for instance in the “The Journal of Physiology”
  • And they would have choosen the most expensive equipement from Adinstruments, which is the LabChart software, but the U.S. Army did not.
  • And the study was published only as a U.S. army technical report.
  • And in the example of the EQO2 LifeMonitor the research of the U.S. Army was at a low scientific level and published only as a U.S. Army techncal report
  • It was not at the highest level, which then would have resulted in a publication for instance in the “The Journal of Physiology”.

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