Does the the Quantified Scientist Rob ter Horst (PhD.) make paid promotionial YouTube videos?

Last Updated on October 14, 2023 by

Here we can see what is written on one of his YouTube videos:

«Not sponsored

not clickbait

unbiased data»

But is this the whole truth? If at least this video should be «not sponsored, not clickbait and has unbiased data”, are the other 166 videos on his channel paid promotional videos?

  • Does Rob ter Horst not receive devices to test for free from many manufacturers. Eventually not in this video, but in most of the other devices he reviews?
  • And does he make his YouTube video reviews for the employment office?
  • What he does is not part of his job in the institute for medical medicine in Vienna for which he works.
  • Is it something he does for fun and in his spare time? So much effort just for fun?
  • Rob claims on the frontpage of the above video that it is not clickbait, not sponsered and has unbiased data. But is this the whole truth?
  • We don’t believe Robs statements anymore. Too many things which for scientists who are interested in a little bit more depth in the topics he reviews are only half the truth.
  • To publish what is for us personally the whole truth was a lot of work.
  • A truth we couldn not find in many of Rob ter Horsts YouTube videos.

As a consequence we wrote a paper in our journal:

The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) is a private project on Peter Gammas personal website which was written without conflict of interest.

  • We declare that the above paper was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

But where can we find such a statement on Rob ter Horsts YouTube channel?

  • To write the paper mentioned above was mainly triggered by Rob ter Horsts «scientific» YouTube video reviews which according to our own little experience (we did not watch all of his videos) say only half the truth.

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