Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

The Pinephone: being hyped & demonized – the Raspberry Pi zero 2: only exploited to the peak shortly after it was released?

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by

  • Has this something to do with U.S. protectionism versus U.K. liberalism?
  • Here a little comparison of the Pinephone from the U.S. versus the Raspberry Pi zero 2 W from U.K.:
  • The Pinephone was first being hyped & then demonized.
  • Is this not a very superficial procedure?
  • The Pinephone is still a very solid peace of Pine wood which is worth to develop further.
  • On the contrast YouTube video makers jump on new Raspberry Pi products such as the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w like hungry wolves.

Leepspvideo from U.K. for instance is overclocking Raspberry Pi zero 2w from 1000Mhz to 2147Mhz:

  • We have here a G20 trade policy: the Number of discriminatory and liberalizing measures from November 2008 to 2021:

  • There we can see that the U.S. is at the peak of discriminatory measurments of the listed countries.
  • The U.K. but also Switzerland which is not listed are much more liberal then the U.S.
  • For me personally as a Swiss I often buy products in the U.K. but only very rarely product from the U.S. such as the Pinephone.
  • Are products from the U.K. such as for instance Raspberry Pi’s not much more competitive as for instance the Pinephone from Pine64, and OpenBCI from the U.S.?
  • And has this something to do with U.S. protectionism versus U.K. liberalism?

If we compare the Pinephone to the Raspberry Pi zero 2 W: are they not world’s apart how how these devices are reviewed and exploited in favour of their users?

  • And in the case of the Pinephone, does Pine64 not instead of exploiting the Pinephone to the peak of it’s performance exploit their users?
  • For instance by letting Swiss physiologists such as Peter Gamma install LibreOffice on the Pinephone for almost a month working everyday a little bit on it?:

  • But two years after this LibreOffice installation on the Pinephone which was very painful for Peter Gamma, he still does not know anyone else than Jacob Crume from New Zealand who used LibreOffice on the Pinephone:

  • No one else exept of Jacob Crume seemed to have used LibreOffice on the Pinphone up to the present day.
  • And this in spite of that LibreOffice looked great on the YouTube video demo created by Pinephone developer Martijn Braam:
  • Martijn Braam’s video and Jacob Crume’s user report made Peter Gamma believe that LibreOffice works great on the Pinephone and is worth installing.

What a fatal error!

  • But Swiss physiologists Peter Gamma only learned about this after the four weeks of LibreOffice installation on the Pinephone.

Is this procedure of Martijn Braam, Jacob Crume and wibble from the Pine64 forum not an antisocial selfish procedure which lacks of compassion for a Swiss physiologist like Peter Gamma who was interested in the Pinephone to use it has his main computing device for doing physiologogical research about meditation?