Is the FreeEEG32 32 channel headset suitable for research applications?

Last Updated on September 30, 2023 by

FreeEEG32 was presented 3 years ago on hackster:

but where else? It uses a 8-Channel, 24-Bit, Simultaneous Sampling ADC Data Sheet AD7771:

OpenBCI and PiEEG use the ADS1299 EEG chip:

Only the ADS1299 EEG chip with 8 channel is on Aliexpress around 100 USD:

But FreeEEG32 offers 32 channels for $199 USD? That’s a real bargain? And will your paper be accepted if you use FreeEEG32 for your reserach project? Only view papers use FreeEEG32 to this date:

  • One paper stroke us the most, and that is “The Free EEG 32 project”, which is listed multiple times.
  • But papers which use FreeEEG32 seem to be hardly cited.
  • If we look for FreeEEG32 under Google picture search:

We can see that there are only view projects which use FreeEEG32.

On the other hand, there are a lot of papers and projects which use OpenBCI modules with the ADS1299 chip from Texas instruments. What might be the reason?

Comparison table on crowd supply:

FreeEEG32OpenBCI CytonKT88-3200Mitsar 202
Resolution (bits)24241224
Max Programmable Gain Amplification (PGA)8x24xUnknownUnknown
Open SourceYesYesNoNo
Price (in USD)$199$500
(price varies between 230 USD for cable verssion and 1000 USD incl. Bluetooth dongle)

The Max Programmable Gain Amplification (PGA) is 8x for FreeEEG32 compared to 24x for OpenBCI and PiEEG.

  • According to the Crowd supply page FreeEEG32 is no longer available.
  • We have reported previously about FreeEEG32: