Is TI a villain who let’s Peter Gamma from review ADS1299 chip products for years & then use Peter’s information to sell ADS1299 products to Schiller Medical Switzerland?

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by

Since years new products based on the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments are presented in the web which never really come onto the market, such as HackEEG and PiEEG. But what comes onto the market are new Schiller Medical Switzerland CS-200 treadmills wich are updated from 12 ECG channels to 16 channels:

Updated with ADS1299 chips from Texas Instruments and reviews taken from We reviewed the SchillerC 200 treadmill as well on

If this is true, TI products sellers, find someone else for this procedure of a villain. And look for the next A.J. Keller, if you find one. But we suppose you will not find a next A.J. Keller if you treat insterested Swiss phoysiologists such as you treated Peter Gamma from over years. Leaving him over years frustrated and manipulate him over years. Offering demo after demo without ever bringing a new product onto the market. We strongly doubt about that you will find new victims of such a villain procedure with the

Are the Texas Instruments product sellers from the EEVBLOG responsible for this villain procedure with the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments:

Also the TI product sellers in the EEVBLOG seemed to have the weird idea to support a physiologist from Switzerland in the EEVBLOG with the goal to profit from him. Was it them who offered OpenBCI made in China, HackEEG and PiEEG? Only to demonstrate and repeating the mantra that they cannot make money out of this product and do not offer it? Look at the posts in the EEVBLOG with the very technical discussion. And look at the result four years later on

A Peter Gamma from who basically stands where he stood 4 years ago. A Peter Gamma who feels completely cheated by Texas Instruments products which are based on the ADS1299 chip.