Is Shirley Zhang looking for a new position?

Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by

If we are looking for Shirley Zhang on Google Search, we can find a lot of pictures of Shirley Zhang:

most of them are beautiful. We can also find Shirley Zhang on

Is this the same Shirley Zhang who sells us the OpenBCI headband in the OpenBCI store?

The Shirley Zhang on linkdin is looking for a 6 mouths internship in Switzerland. She is good at making desserts and chocolates, and has a lever 3 pastry chef certification in China. She can speak English, Chinese, French, German and a little bit Korean. She is also good at cook of Asian food in the kitchen. If there are some position where suit her, you can connect with her. She is looking foreword for you.

Is this is the same Shirley Zhang from OpenBCI, which is responsible for the WIFI shield? If so, it is a pity that she’s looking for a new position. We are still interested in the new OpenBCI WIFI shield. Especially if it is tested and demonstrated by OpenBCI, and put in the OpenBCI store by Shirley Zhang, or someone else.