Last Updated on December 27, 2024 by
About 20 years ago Matthieu Ricard was talking about scientific results in the field of meditation research which might be revolutionary:
Richard was discussing the PNAS paper from Richard R. Davidsons group from 2004 which was not yet published:
But where are the revolutionary scientific results 20 years later in the year 2024? Most revolutionary for Peter Gamma from

are the changes in the face of Antoine Lutz, first author of the PNAS paper from 2004:
Antoine Lutz picture 01

Antoine Lutz picture 02

Do these changes in Lutz face show changes induced by practicing meditation assisted by a brain scanner?Are the changes in the face of Antoine Lutz not very strong?
Changes in faces are the most striking finding we found when we where looking for results of Richard R. Davidsons project. But where do we find the scientific data of the brain scan studies about meditation where Antoine Lutz, Diego Hangartner etc. and who ever was participating in this project?
We do not know of revolutionary new findings in the field of meditation research which where published somewhere in scientific journals.
Is this topic eventually already been given up by brain researchers, since brain scanners are not subtle enough for most stubtile studies?
Was it possible with a lot of marketing agencies to attract rich meditators such as Diego Hangartner from Switzerland? Hangartner lives at the lake side of Zurich in Küsnacht. This place is also called the „Goldküste“, which means „gold coast“in English language. And this means this is the place where the rich people from Zurich live.
Are other brain scan study participators about the effect of meditation for instance Rob ter Horst? And next to it Rob sells us smartwatches with controversial scientific methods?
If that it is true, would then Richard Davidsons project not be in the first place a scientific project, but rather a commercial project to make money out of rich mediators? Richard R. Davidson would not be the first who does this.
Also Osho called himself a rich mans Guru:
And he made money out of rich meditators. Wasn t the deal, give Osho a Rolls Roice, and then he teaches you about meditation?
That meditation is a project for rich man is not something new. Buddha, Shanti Deva, Milarepa, Dilgo Kihenze Rinpohce, the Holy Brother Klaus from Switzerland, etc. where from rich families. So is what we see for instance in Lhagsam Zürich, Landguet Ried etc. not a new phenomenon, but a phenomenon which happens now again in Switzerland, as it happened in the past? And are such projects nowadays kept secret?
If so, what might be the motivation that many of these things are kept secret? The fact that it is only available to meditate assisted by a brain scanner for rich people? And the fact that meditating assisted by a brain scanner is controversial, since there is no really convincing proof yet that it is effective? If it was would it not then be prescribed by medical doctors and covered by health insurances?
Aren t many of these things not badly socially processed? For instance in Switzerland still more than 50 percent of the population are Christian, and Buddhists are only a minority. So who goes then to Lhagsam Tibetan Buddhist mediation in Zurich to train his mind, to train his brain?
Different is or was the situation in Tibet. Families who could not feed their children have sent them to a Buddhist monasteries. But was this not similar in Switzerland in the past in Christian monasteries?
Social systems for people who are sick and need help have become better, at least in Switzerland. Going to a monastery is not the only solution anymore to solve such problems. And Peter Gamma from would like to thank all of those who helped to make the social system in Switzerland such a great system for the whole Swiss society.