Is OpenBCI an Open Source Project?

Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by

– What is not open is the freedom of speech in the OpenBCI forum. If we made posts which lowered the sales, we received complaints that our posts could dilute the business.

– What is not open in the OpenBCI forum is to mention products which rival OpenBCI. We riskt that the thread will be locked.

– What is not open in the OpenBCI forum is the choice of the title. If the title lowers sales, we risk that it will be re-edited.

– If we make reviews about OpenBCI products outside of the OpenBCI forum which lower the sales of OpenBCI, we risk that our OpenBCI forum will be locked.

– If we are happy it will be reopened later on again. But we are scared to post there, we risk that history repeats.

– If we mention on the blog of Alexandre Barachant, where he reviews an OpenBCI product, a product, which lowers the sales of OpenBCI products, we receive complaints whe should stop there posting since the review is about OpenBCI.

– We reveived complaints from OpenBCI if we made posts which lowered the sales of OpenBCI, that OpenBCI has only income from selling OpenBCI products, and we should stop this.

– Is an open source product not open and independent of a seller?

Gerber files for the WIFI shield for instance are only handeled out on request, and are not published somewhere. Was the OpenBCI WIFI shield not developed by AJ Keller and not by OpenBCI? Why does OpenBCI control now the Gerber files of the OpenBCI WFI shield?

OpenBCI is not an open source project which is as open as we might think.