Last Updated on December 26, 2023 by
«Polysomnography, known as a sleep study, is a test used to diagnose sleep disorders»:
«Polysomnography is considered to be the gold standard for diagnosing sleep-related breathing disorders.
This included «obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea, and sleep-related hypoventilation/hypoxia»
- We are interested in such a gold standard since we are also interested in breath meditation and and it’s effect.
What does it mean to have apnea?
«Apnea: This is when you stop breathing while asleep or have almost no airflow. It combines the Greek roots “a,” which means “not” and “pnea,” which refers to breathing. Combined, it means “breathless.” Hypopnea: This combines Greek word roots “hypo” and “pnea.”
How many channels does Polysomnography require?
«A polysomnogram will typically record
- a minimum of 12 channels
- requiring a minimum of 22 wire attachments to the patient.
- These channels vary in every lab and may be adapted to meet the doctor’s requests.
- There is a minimum of three channels for the EEG
- one or two measure airflow
- one or two are for chin muscle tone
- one or more for leg movements
- two for eye movements (EOG)
- one or two for heart rate and rhythm
- one for oxygen saturation
- and one each for the belts, which measure chest wall movement and upper abdominal wall movement.
Dreem2 and Muse S have only 4 EEG channels, and do not meet the requirements for Polysomnography. With an OpenBCI setup with 16 channels we can approach a device with 12 channels which are the mimimum requirements for Polysomnography and can try to approach a professional Polysomnography device with 12 channels, but not with Dreem2, Muse S or Polar Verity Sense with sleep app.
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