Is Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche the extreme outsider among the meditators & Richard Davison the a guiding star?

Last Updated on February 22, 2024 by

Center of healthy minds founder Richard Davidson describes meditators such as Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche as meditators on the far end of a scale of the meditators:

And Richard Davidson says a daily practice of meditation of 20 minutes is enough to change our brains in an objectively measure way. But what does that mean? The effect of 20 min. can be measured in a brain scanner. But what else does it say? Who practices 20 min daily and then let’s his brain scan afterwards on a regular basis? And is all of this relevant for our daily life?

These findings of Richard Davidson where the basis to sell his book «Altered Traits» to the people at Landguet in Bern Switzerland:

But what else can we learn from Altered Traits?

Peter Gamma from learned more from extreme outsiders such as Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche than from Richard Davidsons books.

. Khyentse Rinpoche did a full-time meditation training of 13 years in solitary retreat:

And altough he trained his brain in solitary retreat for a total of 20 years of his life, he was not an outsider. When he passed away in Bhutan, his cremation was attended by over fifty thousand people, including teachers and disciples from around the world:

Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche is the successor of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and the acting abbot of the Shechen monasteries such as the Shechen Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal:

The monastry where also Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk with a PhD. in cellular genetics lives.

And Peter Gamma from learned more from the books «Happiness» and «Meditation» of Matthieu Ricard than from the books «Altered Traits» by Richard Davidson. Peter Gamma did not even read Altered Traits. But this best-selling book has been reviewed enough in the media to know everything Peter Gamma needed to know for the time being about the book «Altered Traits» by Richard Davidson.