“Insane” prices in the www.openbci.com store? – you can find affordable alternatives on www.petergamma.org

Last Updated on September 7, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

If we look at the «featured» products in the www.openbci.com store, Swiss costumers find there at the first place the OpenBCI Galea. The regular price is indicated «From CHF 25,765 wich is 30 046 USD:

The calculation of this price is very simple. It depends on the channel number.

The OpenBCI Galea with 16 physiological channels costs around 25 000 USD:

And the g.Nautilus Multi-Purpose EEG Headset with 32 physiological channels costs around 50 000 USD:

Is this another clear sign of violation of competition laws by EEG products sellers?

Are these “healthy” prices for EEG devices? And is this a store which is internationally competitive? Certainly not for Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org from Switzerland. Since the Swiss are known the be very competitive:

You can find affordable alternatives on www.petergamma.org.

But you have to test, repair or build many modules discussed on this site by yourself.