Ikea Light Bulbs Can Be Attached to Home Assistant, for Physiological Sensors Whe Need an Alexandre Barachant (1*)

Last Updated on September 24, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

Youtube is full of enthusiastic Home Assistant developers who attach every device whe can imagine to Home Assistant. Once attached to Home Assistant, there is a plugin for InfluxDB, InfluxDB is our target. Do we need Lab Streaming Layer and MQTT for physiological sensors? Is there no easier way to get access to the sensor data, for instance over Home Assistant?

Why is the Home Assistant community for light bulbs and termperature sensors so huge, and why is the community for physiological sensors so small with only little developement?

Alexandre Barachant is an excellent data scientist with 474 followers on his GITHUB:


He developed an LSL interface for the Muse headband.

Why are Alexandre Barachants required to access sensor data even from simple physiological sensors?

Neurosity for instance solved problems with the Crown EEG device for instance with signal quality and package loss by attaching a single board computer to the EEG device, this seemed to be sufficient. We could not find any information that Neurosity uses MQTT or LSL interfaces, these are also not offered to developers, but only an SDK:


(*1) Alexandre Barachants mission is to bring a low-cost, Open Hardware, Research-grade EEG to the masses:
