Last Updated on March 23, 2025 by
Does Rob ter Horst not make again again his viewers believe that his „scientific“ smartwatch tests are the best data which available on the market? But why should be believe this? Would not for instance a paper of someone like Milind Desay from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio be enough to send Rob ter Horst into retirement?
Which scientists can be convinced by simplified statements, that ECG devices are some kind of old stuff, while the Polar H10 is the best?
We have discussed this topic intensively on on our tag “PPG”:
Hopefully someone like Milind Desay will put into question Rob ter Horsts smartwatch accuracy tests.
And does Rob ter Horst not screw around on his smartwatch accuracy test until his plots look nice? Since since years Rob s data are not reproduced in scientific papers. So why should be believe him?
And did eventually also the cardiologists of the Cleveland Clinic screw around their data until their papers looked nice, but then gave up publishing papers about smartwatch accuracy?
Time that someone brings clarity in these things. Peter Gamma from has done this already.
And he invites all really serious scientists and cardiologists to fight against Rob ter Horst. Since is he more than a cheap frauder who screws around his data?
Who believes in data from only one, two or three subjects, who are additionally entangled with Rob on YouTube?