Last Updated on September 27, 2023 by
This is the instruction:
The prodedure fro the Pi Pad 5 which is a similar device is shown here:
Instruction from the above link:
- Now we need to flash Raspberry Pi OS on to a micro-SD card (for non-eMMC version) or to eMMC storage (for eMMC version), so that it can run on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4.
- Flash to Micro-SD Card (CM4 Non-eMMC Version)
- If you have a Compute Module 4 without eMMC, then you need to insert a micro-SD and flash the Raspberry Pi OS.
- Follow the steps below according to your operating system.
- Step 1. Insert a micro-SD card to the computer using a micro-SD card reader connected to the computer, or by using a built-in card reader on a laptop
- Step 2. Download Raspberry Pi Imager software by visiting this link
- Note: You can choose to download for either Windows, Mac or Ubuntu
- Step 3. Open Raspberry Pi Imager software
- Step 4. Click CHOOSE OS and select the latest version of the Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit)
- Step 5. Click CHOOSE STORAGE and select the connected micro-SD card
- Step 6. Finally, click WRITE
- Please wait a few minutes until the flashing process is complete.
This is the same procedure as for instance with a Pi 4 which is easier as for a Pi Pad 5. Eventually we receive support in the Seeedstudio forum how to do this:
Here a test by leepspvideo with a Seeedstudio Ethernet Carrier Board carring a CM 4 with eMMC which was not sucsessful.
But the instuction above is for a CM 4 without eMMC.
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