How to connect a DFRobot optical heart rate monitor to Home Assistant

Last Updated on January 9, 2023 by

For soft- and hardware developers who develop for fun and in their spare time, we have another suggestion. RoboShala from India shows us a demo of IoT Based Heart Rate Monitoring System using a gravity optical heart rate monitor from DFRobot:

RoboShala connects the DFRobot optical heart rate monitor to an ESP32 Node MCU and from there to an Android app. We previously suggested to connect the DFRobot HRM to OpenBCI.

This is currently possible with up to 16 sensors. For more sensors or projects to use InfluxDB, we can connect the DFRobot OHRM over anESP8266 NodeMCU to Home Assistant:

We think it is possible to modify RoboShalas instruction for this purpose. We do not have any plans to realize this project, but only want to introduce it. Make a demo if you like it, a YouTube video, or write a paper about it. But don t develop a demo, if you expect that we buy products from you.

For many suggestions we made, we don t know if we find a community for this. But the more we study this projects, we can see, that almost anything is possible to build it yourself, if we have time to do it.

Peter Charlton shows us demos how to detect PPG peaks in Matlab. But we think, that the components presented here can also be used for PPG peak detectors in Python, Home Assistant, InfluxDB and Grafana.