How much do we need to be happy?

Last Updated on May 9, 2024 by

Ex CEO of Novartis Daniel Vasella made more than 400 million USD from Novartis:

He has build his own world in Risch (ZG) in Switzerland:

But is Daniel Vasella not a poor man within himself, who needs so much for his happiness?

Much simpler than that was Gesche Rinpoche Jampa Lodro Dahortsang:

He was a great Master of Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, and he was the uncle of the Tibetan Meditation teacher Looten Dahortsang. Gesche Rinpoche had to earn his living as factory worker when he immigrated to Switzerland for 7 years. But then Dora Kalff from Zollikon in Zurich:

founded in 1976 the Buddhist Center Zollikon:

Where Gesche Rinpoche found his happiness as a teacher there.