Last Updated on February 19, 2025 by
Peter Gamma from

has previously discussed long-term mediators from Asia. Several of those have been declared to be saints later on:
In India, there are teachers who teach you how to become enlightened, which is according to the Buddhist teachings the same as to be completely mentally healthy.
It takes 12 years of hardship, as Sadhuru explains, who is one of these teachers from India:
But how is it when we visit a psychotherapist in Switzerland?
Is it not their goal as well to make their patients completely mentally healthy?
What can they offer to you? More than talking to you without end, and offer you drugs? What is your experience with it? Did you hear of patients who shared their experience about that? Write it in the comments below.
Peter has heard of user experiences as for instance the following:
A psychotherapist said to a patient:
After 10 years:
„You have come now since 10 years to my therapy, and I still was not able to help you“.
After 12 years:
„You came now since 12 years to my psychotherapy. You visited alos different other psychotherapists, and you have tested other therapies as well. And we really don t know if there is still another cure for you.“
And when a psychotherapist goes into retirement, his follower said to a patient:
„I have no reason to doubt about the diagnosis my predecessor gave to you“
And then he says to the patient:
“You don t have to come here anymore”
And when the patient all the same continues to visit his doctor:
He stops talking to his patient
And the treatments which are offered in India seem not to be available in Switzerland from psychotherapists. Psychotherapists do not know know anything about these treatments. And when patients mention these, they say:
„Ah, this treatment exist as well?“
Since is after all not the patient who is to blame?
Is it not the duty of the patient to tell the medical doctors when he is healthy?
Or more precisely, when there are changes in his mental health?
And when a patient starts a discussion about mental health, the therapist asks:
What does actually mental health mean? And when is a person crazy?
And patients finally do not find the answer from their psychotherapist, but from the World Health Organization (WHO) which defines:
Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.
And finally: If a patient goes public with all the things which are mentioned here about psychotherapists, they contact their lawyers, deny everything mentioned here, and claim that they never had said this.
And when the patient wants a witness there when he visit his psychotherapists, the psychotherapist will not accept this.
What is our experience with long-term psychotherapy in Switzerland? Write it in the comments below.
What we describe here is only a parody
And the whole truth is much more complicated. And we don t want to start a discussion about it, what really happened or not. And we do not want to put the value of psychotherapy in Switzerland into question.
Since what we describe here is only a parody. And parodies and comedies where also made by Swiss comedian Emil Steinberger.
And Emil Steinberger took his comedies from reality. He worked at the post office in Switzerland and was treated badly there:
So he started making comedies about that. And did Emil not basically once say:
A comedian exaggerates. And he exaggerates to make something visible.
And here you find the official statement of Pro Infirmis Switzerland
And Pro Infirmis Switzerland supports also people to bring them back to work in the lab:

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