How healthy is the Swiss system? – have the Swiss gone crazy? – open questions regarding mental health in Switzerland

Last Updated on July 29, 2024 by

Young Swiss people

recently said to Peter Gamma from that they are sick and need help. Then they leave for holiday. They leave a suitcase at the airport zurich (which contains weapons of terrorists?) and fly away. They trigger that the Police searches the whole house of the MRIS where Peter Gamma lives. When the young people come back they have to go to the Police. When they come back from the Police, they say «the Police is not good, the Police is very radical». Did they not receive help from the Police if they are sick and need help? All of this recently happen in the building of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland.

Peter Gamma

The Director of the Meditation Research Institute Switerland (MRIS) was recently interrogated by the Police if he works or not:

But he has only the devices listed on to do research. And hardly a device of those is suitable to do research with it. And he has no grant to do research either. So how can we work and do research about how to get a healthy mind, a healthy brain through meditation?

Lama Pema Wangyal

Is a highly qualified teacher how to get a healthy mind, a healthy brain through meditation. But he records videos on his YouTube channel Yogtrack hardly anyone watches. Most of those have only view views:

On the other hand, young people in Zurich say they are (mentally?) sick and need help, as described above. And how many students does Pema Wangyal have in the Drukpacenter Kollbrunn which is on the landscape? Enough the make a living from? Would he not better teach in a center in a city as for instance in Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation in Zurich? In Zurich where young people say they are sick and need help, and leave a suitcase at the airport Zurich which contains weapons of terrorists? Could Lama Pema Wangyal not help these young people who are sick and need help?

Vanja Palmers

Swiss million heir and Zen priest Vanja Palmers says he was not able to induce the same mental states with meditation as with drugs. Vanja offers among other courses Zen with animals courses on the Rigi mountain, and he is:

“particularly concerned with the rehabilitation of those substances that have given his life a fundamentally new, expanded perspective, within the framework of scientific or therapeutic application:”

So Is Vanja Palmers a guiding star among the mediation teachers how to get a healthy mind, a heathy brain trough meditation?

How healthy is the Swiss system? Have the Swiss become crazy? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.