Cable, Bluetooth & Wifi transmission of EEG devices – which type to choose for which application?

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by

Here is a list of EEG devices from which we know how the connect
• The Muse headband uses Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy transmission
• Products sold from use Bluetooth transmission, the WIFI shield was pulled from the market. There where some people who use wired connection in the forum, but we do not know of an example which would show that this works successfully.
• HackEEG has used WIFI, but also a cable connection.
• OpenBCI Galea uses WIFI transmission.
• The Neurosity Crown uses WIFI transmission.
• mBrainTrain uses Bluetooth transmission, they can stream 64 channels at 1 000 Hz via Bluetooth (at 4:19 in the video):

  • g.tec uses WIFI transmission
    • Indonesian scientist paired a Texas Instrumetns ADS1299EEG-FE demo kit over cable to a Raspberry Pi, as can be seen in this paper:

Design of EEG Data Acquisition System based on
Raspberry Pi 3 for Acute Ischemic Stroke

  • They paired a ADS1299EEG-FE demo kit over the GPIO pins to a Raspberry Pi 3

Wifi transmission is faster than Bluetooth. And cable transmission is by some developers not recommended for safety reasons. But as the Neurostyle NS-EEG-D1 shows, this problem can be solved. The Muse 1 used Bluetooth transmission. This limited the transmission rate. The Muse 2 uses Bluetooth low energy wich is better. Cable transmission seems be used in older and cheaper devices. But as the example of the Neurostyle NS-EEG-D1 shows also medical grade EEG device can use cable transmission. As the example of mBrainTrain devices shows, newer Bluetooth technology allows fast streaming of 64 channels simultaneously at a high rate. As the example of the Emotiv Epoc Flex 32 shows, we see no reason why not to choose cable transmission to build devices which are simpler and more affordable, for instance to build multi-channel EEG devices based on PiEEG.