Last Updated on December 29, 2024 by
There is no clear scientific definition of enlightenment. The Dalai Lama once said he does not know of a living being which is enlightened. But does enlightened not mean to reach the ultimate stages of the path, as Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said in his profound advice?
According to the Buddhist teachings we are not completely healthy until we are completely enlightened. But does this not also mean that we are all (those who are not completely enlightened) not completely mentally healthy?
Daniel Goleman says about enlightenment:
“We actually have no idea what that means experientially. Science never has seen it before.
We have to assume that this special state of consciousness that you see in the highest level meditators is a lot like what is described in the classical meditation literatures centuries ago.Which is that there is a state of being which is not like our ordinary state. Some call it enlightened, liberated, awake, whatever the word may be. We suspect there is really no vocabulary that captures what that may be. … we do not know. But we know it is quiet remarkable.“
On the other hand, Sadhguru reports about his enlightenment as a spontaneous experience:
And he describes enlightenment as something „that you cannot miss“ if you experience it:
And Peter Gamma from

is happy about Sadhgurus report about his enlightenment, which seems to be a very simple phenomenon.