Last Updated on February 27, 2025 by
I have a big problem with harassment in my apartment. After I complained at the landlord, a woman who lived below me and who was harassing me moved out. But now another harasser has moved into the apartment next to me.
I personally think these harassers are harmless and have decided not to go to the Police for the time being because I want to negotiate an apartment swap with the housing management.
But I now have evidence that my phone is being tapped and my mail is being checked and the whole house may already be checked by the police. To protect my privacy on the Internet, I use the Mulvad service and the Mulvad browser. This is a VPN service and the Tor network. These are the best tools I know for protecting privacy on the Internet. But they say that these tools are of no use if you are a criminal. But I am not a criminal.
To my great surprise, I have now discovered that when I turn on the PC and go online, the man in the apartment to my left who is harassing me regularly leaves his apartment shortly afterwards. And the neighbor who lives in the apartment below me regularly pushes a chair around when I go online. This is all very disturbing and annoying, so that I can only use the Internet at night without being harassed.
The only way I can explain this phenomenon with the Internet is that there must be a court order that allows all of this. But since I am not doing and have not done anything illegal, I consider this to be unjustified.
The only way someone can know when I go online is from my Internet provider, probably via the Police. And as far as I know, to get through to Mulvad Service, you also need a court order and a request for legal assistance that is valid internationally.
I am a victim and not a perpetrator, but I don’t want to go to the Police yet because I want to negotiate an apartment swap with the administration. Despite everything, I think that I am being treated very unfairly by all of these things. And it seems to me that there are People who are trying to force me to go to the Police.
I am a very quiet person who never harmed anyone. How can I defend myself against the things described here?
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