Help us to fight against big brother marketing trust for physiological sensors

Last Updated on March 12, 2023 by

He only wants to make as much money out of us as possible. This harms us costumers. Marketing trusts are forbidden in Switzerland:

The countless demos we triggered go to the costs of us costumers. This is not cost efficient. We don t accept this. We will remove demos from marketing trusts from our journal. Many things which are not attractive for costumers and students and are harmful for those are removed from our journal.

We will contribute to build a community for open source hardware and software for physiolocial sensors which is not controlled by a trust. This will lower costs for soft- and hardware drastically. Devices will become much more attractive for students if they are not controlled by a trusts.

We are experienced reviewers qualified to judge about this. We miss friends or students as for instance students from the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich who help us update the open source soft- and hardware for physiological sensors. This new community will be very successful, we are convinced about this to fight devices promoted by trusts which are illegal in Switzerland.

Physiological sensor devices are currently much too expensive. Those devices can be made real with the available tools which we have today in a way that they cost much less. Marketing trusts only make physiological devices expensive and unattractive to users.

If you would like to contribute to solve this problem, a lot of information how to solve this problem can be found in our journal.