Has Antoine Lutz Ph.D. a grant to do research on meditation?

Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

  • Is not most striking about Antoine Lutz that he publishes papers about mediation since around 20 years?


  • After a quick look to his Google Scholar site, after we looked trough the papers of Antoine Lutz, are there papers which are NOT about meditation?
  • There are some, but are not majority of his papers about meditation?
  • Is this not the most striking quality of Antoine Lutz?
  • Who else does this? And who else is funded to do this?
  • Eventually Richard R. Davidson.
  • Antoine Lutz has 25 986 citations on Google Scholar.
  • Most of his papers are about meditation.
  • And does this not maker Antoine Lutz special?

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