Happiness can be trained – do we have any scientific brain scan studies from Switzerland which proofs this?

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

  • What about Reto Rölli from infinityflow.ch?
  • Reto Rölli writes on infinityflow.ch:


  • infinity: Unendlichkeit
  • Flow: Wird als ein mentaler Zustand bezeichnet.
  • infinity = eng.infinity
  • Flow: Referred to as a mental state.
  • The “flow state” can arise when you are completely absorbed in an activity, concentrate on it and completely absorb yourself.
  • The website infinityflow.ch serves as written documentation of Reto Rölli’s passion


  • I am 48 years old, happily married and the proud father of a daughter and a son.
  • I earn our living in the IT industry.
  • My passion, passion, leisure activity or whatever you want to call it… are my family, being out in the great outdoors on my bike (MTB) or on foot with the “big” camera and of course my bikes with motors include a Honda VTR SP1, a Honda CB250, a Honda CX650E and a Yamaha XJ650T that I cherish and look after with a lot of love.
  • Have fun browsing the website, kind regards, Reto
  • Is Raspberry Pi Ant+ Reto Rölli’s «camuflage» project?
  • And is training biking tracked by a brain scanner?
  • Reto Rölli lives in:

Ziegelhausrain 1
6142 Gettnau

  • This is a beautiful place in Switzerland which is well suitable for biking.
  • Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org has some friends which live in Oberkirch (LU).
  • This is 20 min by car from where Reto Rölli lives.
  • People who live there are very friendy.
  • It is a rather rural place without a large cities which would be close to this place.
  • If we look for Reto Rölli with google picture search we find many bikes:


And on:

  • Do we not find manly describtions of biking tours?:
  • Peter Gamma from www.peteragmma.org currently only finds 2 pictures of Reto Rölli.
  • But he saw more picture of Reto Rölli, at least one more where hold a bike with his hands and puts it in the air over his head.
  • These are the two pictures we currently found in the web:

Reto Rölli picture 1

  • this picture of Reto Rölli can be found on printerest.com


Reto Rölli picture 2

  • This picture can be found on Reto Rölli’s twitter account
  • Source: SwissAnwalt?

Reto Rölli picture 3

  • This picture is from one of his blog posts.
  • Does Reto Rölli come into a flow state for instance on his biking tours?
  • And did he hope that someone would be able to measure this in a brain scanner?
  • And if there are positive results, pictures are published in the web?
  • Pictures which are associated with specific trainings?
  • Or pictures which are associated with certain products?
  • Is this a sort of a screening study about different trainings and the effect on what we see in a brain scanner?
  • And is eventually the result of it, that a result can be percieved, but not measured in a brain scanner?
  • At least Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org does basically only know the result of this PNAS paper from 2004 which was positive concerning brain scans and brain waves:


  • But he has to admit he did not yet study the scientific literature about it which can be found for instance in Altered Traits:
  • And on Google Scholar from Antone Lutz:


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