Fred von Allmen – a profound spiritual poet from Switzerland?

Last Updated on January 25, 2025 by

Milarepa was generally considered one of Tibet’s most famous yogis and spiritual poets:

whose teachings are known among several schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

But what about Fred von Allmen from Switzerland?

Martin Frischknecht editor in chief of the Spuren Magazin Switzerland

writes about Fred von Allmen:

Fred von Allmen – the profound one

“Fred von Allmen is not a star in the spiritual scene.
This makes him to a more impressive and sustainable
meditation teacher from Bern who teaches in retreats and courses
since forty years.”

But is Fred von Allmen – the profound one – also a spiritual poet?

But what is Poetry?

Poetry is a type of literature or artistic writing that attempts to stimulate a reader’s imagination or feelings. The poet does this by carefully selecting and arranging language according to meaning, sound, and rhythm.

So is Fred von Allmen – the profound one – also a spiritual poet now?

Yes, of course.

Here quote from Fred von Allmen:

«Mindfulness alone
is far from being

This and more quotes from Fred von Allmen – the profound spiritual poet from Switzerland can be found in Martin Frischknecht’s Interview with Fred von Allmen in the Spuren Magazine: