Farmer’s cleverness is originally an idiomatic description of the fact that people with little schooling “in the country” can effectively combine cunning, secrecy and far-sighted planning; when the farmer, for example, tricks the teacher in a property transaction or the administrative official in a land consolidation process:
Farmer’s cleverness in the example of the Dreem 2
Dreem 2 has been developed over several years. Then it has been reviewed by Rob ter Horst:
Is this device worth 500 USD, Rob ter Horst asked? Then a paper was published which was partly financed by Dreem 2 Inc. about the device:
Then Dreem 2 was pulled from the market for private users, and was only available for scientists like us for 1 400 USD. But for us personally the Dreem 2 with the paper was not worth 1 400 USD. And it seems as it was not worth it for other scientists like us, since Dreem 2 went bankrupt.
Then Dr. Coady Rall reviewed a conference paper about Muse S as a replacement for Dreem 2:
Is the strategy of Interaxon not smarter as that of Dreem 2? Dreem 2 is still available for the home lab of scientists like us, but not Dreem 2. Is this because Interaxon is located in Toronto and not for instance on the Mount Shasta, where the farmers live who sells us the products from www.OpenBCI.com?
Farmer’s cleverness in the example of PiEEG
Are products from www.openBCI.com not to expensive? We where looking for an affordable alternative.
The ADS1299 Performance Demonstration Kit from Texas instruments
- We first became interested in this device. But unfortunately it is not save for humans. We asked on the EEVBLOG for help:
- But after 292 posts we still did not know how to solve this problem, since we are not electronic engineers.
Hack EEG
- we became interested in HackEEG, but unfortunately the device did not fit our needs, as we described here:
- Finally a device which fitted our needs.
- A device which were looking for since years.
- We have intensively reported about it at www.petergamma.org.
- Finally it was available and on stock.
- But unfortunately it was only a limited offer, until it was unavailable again, which means according to our own little experience forewer.
- Is PiEEG now not available anymore for private users as the Dreem2.
- And will it be available for scientists like us for 1 400 USD?
- A prize which is too expensive for us personally, and eventually also for others? – And then Ildar Rakhmatulin’s PiEEG for scientists like us goes bankrupt, and Ildar Rakhmatulin’s can look for his next YouTube video demo?
Is it not time that Aliexpress sellers starts selling the Dreem 2 and Pi EEG for 230 USD, so that we have a sustainable and growing community for these devices? And only if this community grows and grows, prices for Dreem 2 and Pi EEG can slowly increase? But will this happen, since a better replacement for these devices will be available soon, which costs less an has a higher quality?