Post-doctoral researcher Rob ter Horst from the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna who is specialized in biological data analysis scientifically test the accuracy of more than 100 smartwatches but which scientists use these devices for scientific studies?

Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by

Rob ter Horst scientifically tested more than 100 smartwatches:

Scientific means used in or suitable for natural science. But so that smartwatches are suitable for natural science the need to deliver reproducable data. But according to this information:

We do not know if they deliver reproducable data, smartwatches do not fullfill the requirements for gold standard for heart rate measurements. And devices which are used for scientific studies such as 3 channel ECG devices fullfill thes requirements, but not smartwatches.

We do basically not know of scientific papers which would confirm that smartwatches are suitable for scientific studies, and we do basically not know either of scientists who use smartwatches for scientific studies on a regular basis.

And if smartwatches would be suitable for scientific studies, would not the manufacturers be the first to sell those as a product which is suitable for scientific studies? But they don’t.