Do or did the following Buddhist monks participate in brain scan studies & are these the happiest men in the world?

Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by

The Dalai Lama the 14.

  • He once said if he would follow his nature he would retreat like an injured deer.
  • Or he would have become an engineer.
  • He once said he is half Buddhist monk and half scientist
  • And he says in the following video basically, his mind is often wandering and he has problems focusing it:

Dilgo Kihenze Rhinpoche

  • He meditated in solitary retreat for 13 years until he wanted to stay there for the rest of his life, but he was not allowed to.
  • At that time, no brain scanners where not yet available.
  • Matthieu Richard said about him, he was an example of human perfection, but in another interview he said he was a prayer wheel.
  • And when he was asked why he was so thick, he answered that his ancestors where also thick:

Rabjam Rinpoche

  • Is the grandson of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
  • He served 20 years of his life to Dilgo Kihenze Rhinpoche and then another 20 years of his life Dilgo Kihenze Yangsi Rhinpoche.
  • He said in an interview that he has no experience with meditating in solitary retreat, and when he was asked why he is so thick he answered that Dilgo Kihenze Rhinpoche was also thick.

Ogyen Trinley Dorje

  • The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa was once said that he could be a successor of the Dalai Lama the 14.
  • He said in an interviwe he is not an reincarnation of someone.
  • Watch the following video where he speaks about animal suffering and vegetarianism.
  • Do you think he his happy when he speaks in this interview?

Yangsi Rinpoche

  • Was Yangsi Rinpoche to young to participate as a scientific study about mediation wich was published in PNAS by Richard Davidson in the year 2004?
  • Would not Yangsi Rinpoche currently be happiest man in the world if his brain would be scanned?
  • Is he also the man who’s brain was scanned the most often in world? He lives in the same monastry as Matthieu Ricard.
  • He said once in an interview, he has not chosen his life, but others have chosen what to do in his life.

Did not many of those participate in this scientific study from 2004?:

Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice

But are there newer scientific studies with these people?