Do Mingyur Rinpoche & Reto Rölli from have something in common?

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by

  • Mingyur Rinpoche talks in this video:
  • How to meditate (2 of 2) ~ Mingyur Rinpoche talks about the essence of meditation
  • second half of the video:
  • what he experiences as a brain scan study particpator which was published in this paper: paper:

  • Has Mingyur Rinpoche not an ability to experience which is extraordinary?
  • Has this something to do with the high gamma wave activity which was found in his brain?
  • Does Mingyur Rinpoche share this ability with Reto Rölli from
  • Every weekend, Reto Rölli reports about bike tours he made and what he experienced in the nature:

  • Does this also correlate with a high gamma wave activity in his brain?
  • And do therefore both of those participate in brain scan studies to measure this?
  • What is your opinion about this topic?
  • Write it in the comments below.

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