Do Milarepa, Arnaud Delorme & Reto Rölli from have something in common?

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by


  • Milarepa was the most famous poet of Tibet
  • & the founder of the Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism

Arnaud Delorme

  • is EEGLAB develper
  • is a good author who gave many talks about EEGLAB, but also wrote many reviews and papers about meditation research

Reto Rölli from

  • he writes on his blog that he makes his living for his family in the IT business
  • he is an excellent author has can be seen on his blog:

All of these are writers, as Peter Gamma from was a writers as well on 4028 posts in this site. And do writes not have extraordinary high levels of gamma waves in their brains? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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