Daisy chain or InfluxDB architecture for 32 channel EEG headsets built from 8 channel EEG devices?

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Developers from Indonesia developed a 32 channel EEG devices several years ago. It was based on the TI EEG evaluation kit and a daisy chain architecture.


Now, we have HackEEG shields and Raspberry Pi EEG shield options available. Daisy chain or InfluxDB architecture for 32 channels? For 32 channels and InfluxDB, all channels have to be sampled at exactly the same time. Are Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi fast enough to solve this problem? This remains to be tested. InfluxDB assigns a timestamp at the time sensor data are streamed in. Injecting sensor data from past recording is difficult.

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