Cytrus Tech about the battery life of the Pinephone Pro & battery life comparison table

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by

Cytrus Tech about the battery life of the Pinephone Pro:

comparison table

deviceaccessorymodebattery life (hrs)testsource
1Pinephonebattery keyboardidlemore than
28 (*3)
1 single test (*1)MRIS
2Pinephone Prononeall modes1normal
Cytrus Tech
3Pinphone Pro battery keyboardall modesseveral hoursnormal
Cytrus Tech
4Pinphone Probattery keyboardstandby mode (*2)12 – 24normal
Cytrus Tech


(*2) When you push the power button the Pinephone it goes into standby mode.

(*3) In our test, we have set the settings for the Pinephone timeout to the lowest level. The screen was completely dark after about a minute and came back when the power button was pressed.

  • First tests we did showed that Raspberry Pi’s the screens draws a lot of battery power:

To increase the battery life of Pi’s we suggest to choose a a power efficient Android phone as a Pi screen and remotely control the PI via VNC viewer applications which is connected over ethernet or usb cable.

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