Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Comparison table, OpenBCI made in China, PiEEG, single electronic components & InfluxDB

Last Updated on June 17, 2024 by


Openbci made in China
Version 1
Single electronic

EEG chip
Texas Instruments
with 8 – 16 channels
EEG chip
Texas Instruments
with 8 – 16 channels
EEG chip
Texas Instruments
with 8 channels
8 channels
with 8 TGAM modules
for 8 channels
1 000 USD 8 channel
2 000 USD 16 channel
bluetooth version
370 USD 8 ch. wifi version
657 USD 16 ch. wifi version
350 USD
Raspberry Pi hat
– estimated around 230 USD
– needs to be soldered by ourselves
– TGAM EEG modules are currently sold on Aliexpress for 18 USD
stock market speculation
no– prices remained basically stable over the last years
– but a risk is still there that they increase as a reaction on positive feedback

– Does Elecrow only sell one PEEG hat a month?
– is this limited by Elecrow?
– does this procedure not violate competition laws?
prices for TGAM modules remained stable over the last years
seller www.openbci.comeBay & AliexpressElecrowAliexpress
issue-freeyesmodules with 16 channel
and WIFI without issues
can be found on
not yet tested
by users
papers in
which is was
tested are low level
we have to build and test it by ourselves
testedmost probably yestest plot
shown on eBay
Only one robot toy test has been shown by PiEEG up to this date
We miss further functional tests of PiEEG for instance in
scientific papers
which demonstrates that it works without issues.
we have to build and test it by ourselves
quality of the
OpenBCI modules where developed about 10 year ago which are established but expensive– from low quality to
high quality
– high quality offers have to be searched like a needle in a haystack
– offers are sometimes only temporarily
– highest quality offers can currently be found on
It is a new solution which is little developed and testedWe think the best solution but it takes a lot of time to get familiar with it.
further issues– no WIFI shield
– hardly any new developments in recent years.
– issues are not resolved, for instance with the WIFI shield
– documentation is only sporadically updated

– no forum
– no community
– OpenBCI made in China
is known to be
“Mega gambler”
– Only Python interface available
– no other software tested
– no OpenBCI GUI attached
– no MNE Python attached
– no community yet
Requires in depth knowledge of soft- and hardware
software– requires software which is similar to Home Assistant
– Neurosity Crown uses it
– The Apple watch can be streamed into Home Assistant to give us impression how to software is:

(*1) see:





Information for product sellers


Information for product sellers who do stock market speculation and scalping with products mentioned by Peter Gamma on

According to the little experience of Peter Gamma from, many of the products listed here are still full of issues which need to be resolved. If you do stock market speculation and sculpting with those, you will loose Peter Gamma from as a buyer of these products and as a reviewer. Is this not risky? Will you not loose a majority of your costumers as well?

And is it not so, that society in general does not accept stock market speculation and scalping with products as those which are listed here? And will you not be politically incapable of finding a majority of the voters if you do stock market speculation and sculpting with these products?

And as a consequence will you not be condemned and punished by a political referendum soon? Especially if you do this to a Swiss, since are not majority of Swiss against stock market speculations and sculpting with people on a budget? And people in Switzerland are known for a lot of political referendums, since we have direct democracy in this country.

And Peter Gamma from will fight up to the European Court of Human Rights against people who do stock market speculation and sculpting with the products which are mentioned on And if they do not have yet the legal basis there to do so, he will fight for it.

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