Warnings & praises about fitness trackers by sports scientist Cailbhe Doherty from the University College of Dublin, Ireland

Cailbhe Doherty is Assistant Professor at University College Dublin « « https://www.linkedin.com/in/cailbhe-doherty-9082baba/?originalSubdomain=ie We found Cailbhe Doherty in an Interview about Fitness Trackers in the Tages Anzeiger Zurich. The article was published on 9.10.2024: https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schrittzaehler-pulsmesser-schlaftracker-interview-zu-wearables-von-apple-fitbit-oder-garmin-758695488041 Cailbhe Doherty wrote also several papers about fitness trackers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=iM9ug6IAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate as for instance: The Validity of Apple Watch Series 9 and …