Was Paul van Gent with his HeartPy PhD. thesis how to clean up noise in PPG HRMs
also the victim of sports watch manufacturers and HRM accuracy validators, who promote the Polar OH1 and the Apple watch Ultra as very accurate if not the most accurate HRMs?

As his PhD. matured, Paul van Gent decided to make out of his PhD. thesis an open source project: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/paul-van-gent-3b5b5817_tudelft-hearthealth-nato-activity-6973582273610665985-J7WD/?trk=public_profile_like_view&originalSubdomain=ch Which PhD. software developer offers open source software? Did Paul van Gent have similar problems we had in our journal on over 1000 pages, and also the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and the Institute for …