Why are Russian programmers the best in the world – explained in the example of BrainFlow developer Andrey Parfenov from Russia

Coder from Russia have an excellent reputation internationally. Russian programmers are known to be thes best in the world: https://www.rbth.com/science-and-tech/333855-why-are-russian-programmers-best-in-the-world Another great coder from Russia is BrainFlow developer Andrey Parfenov: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreyparfenov Here he shows some examples of his skills with BrainFlow: https://brainflow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/SupportedBoards.html Muse OpenBCI https://medium.com/@basoph2002/using-brainflow-with-openbci-eeg-recorder-on-a-raspberry-pi-e578dca675ce InfluxDB An example of a very negative experience with a …