Example for the 16 / 32 Channel EEG Ads1299 EMG EEG Acquisition Module?

There is a lot of information available for the 16 / 32 Channel EEG Ads1299 EMG EEG Acquisition Module: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002553363982.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.21313c00EvgW1g&mp=1 «TI ADS1299/1298 Low power consumption for bioelectrical potential measurement、24 Bit analog front end,General module of ECG and EMG test,Development customization。 Please confirm the following parameters:Interface,sampling rate(default500),Number of channels(1/2/4/8/16/32),Noise,Data transmission mode(Bluetooth、WIFI、TFcard),Endurance,size,PCBNumber of layers,Is a shield required。 …