We invite Cardiologist Milind Desai from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio to test the accuracy of a 3 channel PiEEG ECG device with HeartPy against at Quinton Q-tel RMS 3 channel ECG device for runs on a treadmill up to 15 km/h and write a paper about it

The group or Cardiologist Milind Desai: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/staff/6670-milind-desai from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio: tested the accuracy of the Quinton Q-tel RMS 3 channel ECG device against consumer grade heart rate monitors on a treadmill up to 15 km/h and wrote a a paper about it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6732081/ They found out that the Polar H7 chest strap …