Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by
After PiEEG with 8 channels is not available anymore before it has been released, it is clear for the MRIS that this product does not fit for our needs, even if it would come back sooner or later. But all the same, we think it is a great product which looks good:
The PiEEG by the developer Ildar Rakhmatulin who has built also devices to kill mosquitoes with laser based on Raspberry Pi has created a new great product. We particularly like the mouse which can be controlled by EEG. Therefore bring PiEEG back, since we think it could be a great product for children. PiEEG eventually could be sold at Franz Carl Weber at the Bahnhofstrasse 62 in Zurich.
Franz Carl Weber (short form: FCW) is a company in the Swiss toy retail sector. The main building was located at Bahnhofstrasse 62 in Zurich for 125 years, and since 2016 it has been on Bahnhofplatz near the main train station.
Marcel Dobler, computer scientist and top athlete has recently bought Franz Carl Weber. He writes:
“For me, the purchase of Franz Carl Weber was a matter of the heart”
Marcel Dobler, born in 1980, is co-owner of Franz Carl Weber, Digitec founder, politician and top athlete. The Männedorf native founded the electronics online shop Digitec in 2001 with two friends. He later sold his shares in Migros and became a rich man. The trained computer scientist wanted to “continue to make a difference” and entered politics in 2015 as an FDP National Councilor.
Dobler also does a lot in terms of sport: he recently became Swiss champion in the 4-man bobsleigh as a pusher at the championships in St. Moritz. In 2009 he won the decathlon title. Marcel Dobler lives with his wife and two children in Rapperswil-Jona.
We think the PiEEG developers should bring PiEEG back.

The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) is not interested in it anymore, but eventually Franz Carl Weber owner Marcel Dobler.