Negative experiences with PiEEG devoped by Illar Rakmuldin

When we where looking for affordable alternatives to expensive products from, Illar Rakmuldin started developing PiEEG, saying he did not find affordable EEG devices.

The EEG device developer from Russia previously has built Raspberry Pi’s to kill mosquitoes by laser:

But Illar Rakmuldin could not conince us personally up to the present day that PiEEG is not an abandonned prototype with noise in the EEG signal:

He shows us only a very basic PiEEG robot toy demo on YouTube:

which is far behind demos with robot toys based on OpenBCI or Emotiv EEG devices:

So does PiEEG produce more than EEG noise? We do not know of independent tests which whould proof us this.

If you want to know more about this topic, check Peter Gamma ‘s site

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