Where should molecular biologists & neuroscientists who are treated by psychotherapy in Switzerland get their information?

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org

invites you not to trust the information which is from your psychotherapist:

Since psychotherapists eventually inform molecular biologists and neuroscientists badly. And their lifes can become a comedy as a consequence:

Swiss Comedian Emil Steinberger worked at the Post Office in Switzerland and was treated badly there. And then he started making comedies about this topic:

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org was a molecular biologist and then became a neuroscientist after he was treated by psychotherapy:

One of the success stories of this case is that the molecular biologist Isidro Ballard who would have been the supporter of the diploma thesis of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org killed himself 30 years ago. And Peter Gamma from www,petergamma.org is still alive. And is this not a success story which is worth mentioning?

But Peter Gamma never wanted to become a comedian instead of a scientist. That is why he stops here.

The information from Pro Infirmis Switzerland can be completely different than the information from our psychotherapist. So if you are a molecular biologist or neuroscientist who is treated by a psychotherapy in Switzerland, get your information from Pro Infirmis Switzerland, since it is better.

Since it is possible that you have to go back to the work in the the lab you hated before you started your psychotherapy, if the state of your mental health changes so that this is possible:


The infirmation from Pro Infirmis is completely different than the information from psychotherapists as mentioned here:

And is the information which is given by these psychotherapists in Switzerland not mainly information which serves the psychotherapists and not their patients? Since psychotherapists want to get rid of long-term patients they are not able to heal? Since do these cases not show that psychotherapists are not able to heal their patients in some cases, and they want to avoid that this becomes public and is discussed everywhere? And Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org does not want to discuss his case publicly here as well. And the truth is much more complicated than what we describe here.